Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Just graduate from college and looking for a place to fit in? Most churches lack in ministries that pertain to Singles/Young Adults. If they do have a ministry, sometimes it can be full of people using it as a dating market instead of a place for fellowship and making friends. David Hickman is the Director of this awesome program in Charlotte that is your source for connecting with young adults all over the city. The people that go age from 20's - 30's and some beyond and below that. People from all different churches meet at First United Methodist Church downtown, close to Rock Bottom, for an amazing night of coffee, worship, and a message. You can choose to go out to Rock Bottom for discounted appetizers and some extra fellowship.

It is a seasonal based program, but there are 3 meetings during the summer. It starts back again in August. You can find more information at CharlotteONE.org

This season we have talked about relationships, God's Will, love, and much more and God has done so much. We also joined together and set up a homeless shelter, getting rooms ready to move in. They even took it a step further to get the residents involved. They hosted a dinner and then invited the people they met to a CharlotteONE meeting after. I'm so blessed to have a ministry like this, because after college, you realize how alone you are in this world. It's up to you to make things happen and to get to where you want to be and I encourage you to try CharlotteONE and see that there is a God and fellow believers that all want you to get involved and fill that void!

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