Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Sacrifice the Calories without Sacrificing the Taste!

At one point in time we have all tried something labeled "low fat" or "non fat" only to resemble buddy-the-elf's expression when he tasted perfume. But here are some tastey treats that satisfy your tongue AND your scale!
-Pillsbury Reduced Sugar Brownies made with Splenda- My picky family didn't know the difference
-Edy's/Dreyer's 1/2 Slow Churned ice cream- they make so many flavors like French Silk Pie, American Idol Cheesecake Diva, Birthday Cake, etc.
-Dreamfield's Low Carb Pastas- taste just like regular pasta
-Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwiches- The chocolate wafers don't taste like cardboard

Just to name a few! You can find all of these at Harris Teeter grocery stores!

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